The Babes of Star Trek

Diana Ewing as Droxine in “The Cloud Minders” Episode of Star Trek

Every once in a while I kick off my shoes and re-watch one of the original episodes of Star Trek. I am always amazed at how many really beautiful women show up in the series. I can only speculate that Gene Roddenberry must have been an incredible lech, but with good taste. I have already written about Marta the green Orion from the “Whom Gods Destroy” episode, played by Yvonne Craig.

Diana Ewing played the lean and strikingly beautiful blonde Droxine in “The Cloud Minders” episode from the same year (1969). She is one of the epicene Stratos cloud dwellers who live lives of idle pleasure while the Troglytes [sic] below mine zenite, which clouds their thinking.

Whereas Marta had a thing for James T. Kirk, Droxine was more interested in the tall Vulcan, Spock. Unlike Marta, Droxine is still alive at the end of her episode. But alas, the Starship Enterprise never returned to Stratos later in the series.